State Bar Association of Maryland
State Bar Association of Maryland office is located at 520 W Fayette St, Baltimore, Maryland 21201, and MSBA phone number is 410-685-7878.
State Bar Association of Maryland main responsibility is to protect the public and includes licensing, regulation, and discipline of attorneys in the state of Maryland. State Bar Association of Maryland is the integrated bar association for the state of Maryland.
State Bar Association of Maryland Phone Number
What is State Bar Association of Maryland phone number?
State Bar Association of Maryland phone number to speak to a real person at MSBA is 410-685-7878.
State Bar Association of Maryland Website
State Bar Association of Maryland website where you can get access to the association news, announcements, members’ information, executive management team, and more by following the below website address:
Maryland State Bar Attorney Search
Maryland State Bar Attorney Search can be performed by providing attorney first name, last name, attorney license number or application number in the below website address:
State Bar Association of Maryland Fax Number
State Bar Association of Maryland fax number to send fax messages, documents, attorney complaints, and application forms is 410-837-0518.
State Bar Association of Maryland Email
Maryland State Bar Association email address to send your electronic messages, documents, attorney complaints, requests, and application forms is [email protected].
State Bar Association of Maryland Address
State Bar Association of Maryland address where you can send mail, letters, documents, attorney complaints and applications forms is:
State Bar Association of Maryland (MSBA)
520 W Fayette St
MD 21201
MSBA Login
MSBA Login to manage your bar membership account, edit or change your personal details and more by clicking here.
Do you need assistance with State Bar Association of Maryland or additional information? Please contact us and our team will be happy to assist you right away with no charge. You can message us using the contact us page or the comments form.
State Bar Association of Maryland Complaints
Watch this video to learn about state bar complaints, should you complain, how does it affect an active case and more.
This State Bar Association of Maryland phone number, provided above on this page is free to call. You are advised that you could be charged for the call by your communication company according to your phone plan. After dialling this MSBA phone number, please listen to the initial welcome message prior to be connected to talk to a real person at MSBA.
This website is a comprehensive state bar association directory, providing updated State Bar Association of Maryland and additional information for this state bar association and nationwide, including phone numbers, addresses, fax numbers, attorney lookup, website addresses, email addresses and more. Found new information for State Bar Association of Maryland? please send it to us, we will confirm and provide users with the updated details, for free.
This is a completely independent state bar association information website hub, that has no affiliation with State Bar Association of Maryland or with any of the government, state or federal authorities, agencies, office, bureau, or board.
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